

Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education –Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World (DigiAmphorae)

Short project description

The Erasmus+ project Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education – Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World (DigiAmphorae) contributes to the modernization and accessibility of the European higher education in the fields of Archaeology, History and Cultural heritage management by developing and supporting innovative teaching approaches and promote the use of digital practices in education and research. The project addresses also the need for publishing a great fund of not yet published amphorae, stored in the History museum of Primorsko and other museums, for the purposes of specialized Higher education (HE). The ancient amphorae have a great scientific potential and are fundamental for the historical understanding of Europe. They reveal important evidence of the trade contacts in ancient Europe, in particular in the great ancient city of Apollonia Pontica.

The following activities are planned:

– development of structured data-base and online Learning Management System with amphorae artifacts suitable for integration in higher education courses;

– exchange of experience transnational meetings for coordination and management of the project;

– summer field school (an educational event);

– events and activities for promoting the project results and one Final conference.

All products developed in the frame of the project are free and available in all partner languages – English, Bulgarian, French and Romanian.

The organizations involved in the project are very experienced and with high professional reputation, as well as with experience in contemporary technologies and proven scientific excellence. Project partners are:

History Museum Primorsko (Project coordinator)

Musée du Louvre

Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Europene

Student Computer Art Society (SCAS)

National UNESCO club for scientific expeditions (NNEK-UNESCO)

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT)

The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.